Etruskerne eller den Etruskiske civilisation var et folkeslag, der levede i Etrurien i det nordlige Italien før 800 f.Kr.
Etrurien lå mellem floderne Tiberen i syd og Arno i nord og var i øst afgrænset af Apenninerbjergene. Det svarer nogenlunde til Toscana og Umbria i dag.
Etruskerne har ikke efterladt sig litteratur eller andre skrevne materialer, der fortæller, hvem de var. Derfor kender man dem hovedsageligt fra arkæologiske udgravninger og nogle enkelte græske og romerske beretninger.
Etruskerne var et ikke-indoeuropæisk folkeslag. Herodot (omkring 400 f.Kr.) skriver legenden at de kom fra Lydien (moderne vestlige Tyrkiet). Dionysius af Halicarnassus (omkring 100 f.Kr.) udtalte at Etruskerne var Italienske indfødte og kaldte sig selv Rasenna og var del af en gammel nation "som ikke ligner andre folk i deres sprog og i deres livsstil og kultur".
Etruskisk teknologi var generelt mere avanceret end deres naboers. Meget af det som anses for at være typisk Romersk, som f.eks. stenbuer, byplanlægning, kommunale anliggender som f.eks. sanitet, veje med vejbelægning, akvadukter, kloakering var alle inspireret af Etruskerne. Etruskerne havde stærke kommerciel handel med Fønikerne og senere med Kartago, længe før Romerriget.
Etruskiske byer omkring 700 f.Kr
- Arretium (Arezzo)
- Caisra (Caere eller moderne Cerveteri)
- Clevsin (Clusium eller moderne Chiusi)
- Curtun (moderne Cortona)
- Perusna (Perugia)
- Fufluna eller Pupluna (Populonia)
- Veii, Tarchna (Tarquinii eller moderne Tarquinia-Corneto)
- Vetluna (Vetulonia)
- Felathri (Volaterrae eller moderne Volterra)
- Velzna (Volsinii eller moderne Bolsena)
- Velch (Volci eller moderne Vulci)
Nogle Etrustiske regenter
- Osiniu (at Clusium) ca. 1100 f.Kr.
- Mezentius fl. ca. 1100 f.Kr. ?
- Lausus (i Caere)
- Tyrsenos
- Velsu fl ca. 800 f.Kr.
- Larthia (i Caere)
- Arimnestos (i Arimnus)
- Lars Porsena (i Clusium) fl. ca. 600 f.Kr.
- Thefarie Velianas (i Caere) ca. 500 f.Kr.-400 f.Kr.
- Aruns (i Clusium) fl ca. 500 f.Kr.
- Volumnius (i Veii) ca. 437 f.Kr.
- Lars Tolumnius (i Veii) ca. 428 f.Kr.
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek er berømt for sin samling af materialer fra Etrurien.
- Barker, G. and T. Rasmussen. The Etruscans. London: Blackwell, 1998.
- Bloch, Raymond. The ancient civilization of the Etruscans. Translated from the French by James Hogarth. Ancient Civilizations Series. New York: Cowles Book Co, 1969
- Bonfante, Larissa et al. ed. Etruscan Life and Afterlife: a handbook of Etruscan studies. Warminster: Aris and Phillips, 1986.
- Brendel, Otto. Etruscan art. 2nd edition. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1995.
- Richardson, Emeline. The Etruscans: their art and civlization. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1964.
- Spivy, N. and S. Stoddart. Etruscan Italy. London: Batsford, 1990.
- Torelli, Mario. ed. The Etruscans. Milan: Bompiani, 2000.
Se også
Eksterne henvisninger
- Helle Damgaard Andersen, ph.d. i klassisk arkæologi
- Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
- mysteriousetruscans.com, introduction Citat: "... Reflections on the Etruscan Civilization. By Graziano Baccolini...it is the Etruscans, coming from the East, who are the true founders of our European culture, for both good and bad aspects...many ancient insignias of the Orient handed down to the Romans from Etruscan leaders and priests...the new Roman religion snatched the symbols of the Etruscan civilization but denied the so-called pagan origin of it all...Unfortunately our culture has inherited the worse of the Etruscan religion as for example, the concept of infallibility, seconded by the Christian religion..."
- Etruscan Engineering and Agricultural Achievements Citat: "...The rituals of Etruscan religion have much in common with the ancient Sumerian and later Akkadian civilisations...The Etruscans had a deep knowledge of Hydrology and hydraulics...incredibly detailed knowledge of the local geology..."The masterpiece of their hydraulic know-how," says Mario Lopes Pegna, "was their abolition of the periodic scourge of floods in the lower reaches of the Po. This was a gigantic undertaking. Accomplished by digging a whole network of coordinated canalss, and at the same time damming the river with caissons or brushwood. much further afield...other branches of knowledge, including metallurgy and dentistry to give two examples...The Etruscans were the first to tackle and solve the problem of land improvement, and did so by a series of technical operations so ingenious as to arouse admiration even in our days. A complicated skillfully constructed network of canals collected surplus and stagnant water throughout Etruria and Latium..."
- Etruscan Texts Project: A searchable online database of Etruscan inscriptions.
- Internet Resources on the Etruscans
- Web bibliography of Etruscan-related sites, including English-language sites
- Tabula Cortonensis described by Dr Massimo Pittau
- Short article on a piece of Etruscan art
- Etruscan Splendors from Volterra in Tuscany
- Map of ancient Italian language areas, showing Etruscan-speaking areas
- "Etruscan Engineering and Agricultural Achievements: The Ancient City of Spina"
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