Norumbega (eller Norumbègue, Nurumbega, osv.) var en legendarisk bebyggelse i det nordøstlige Nordamerika. Ligesom Cathay var der tale om et sagnomspundent sted, der måske, måske ikke, har betegnet noget virkeligt. Bynavnet dukkede ofte op på Europæiske kort over Nordamerika, liggende syd for Acadia et eller andet sted i det, der nu kaldes "New England" i Nordamerika.
Norumbega blev anset for at være en stor rig by beboet af indfødte. Der har været forsøg på at forbinde navnet og Norumbegalegenden til faktiske arkæologiske steder og selv til forskellige vikinge-beboelser.
Eksterne henvisninger
- davistownmuseum.org: The Davistown Museum. The Ancient Dominions of Maine Norumbega Reconsidered and the Wawenoc Diaspora....The Myths of Norumbega Citat: "...The European Discovery of America: The Northern Voyages debunks the 19th century assertion of Norumbega as a Viking name and is the foremost among many historians who assert it is entirely a myth. "Norumbega, apart from the name, which means 'quiet place between two rapids' in Algonkin, was wholly created by European imagination." (pg. 464)..."
- nsexplore.ca: The Defences of Norumbega. Professor Eben Norton Horsford. 1891 Citat: "...was written to advance the view of the author that Norse emigrants from the Greenland colony had founded a settlement near Boston, Massachusetts, dating from the beginning of the 11th century...The book itself has been scanned and made available as a sequence of images..."
- 30-Apr-2002, The Straight Dope: Did Leif Erikson once live in Cambridge, Massachusetts? Citat: "...Around the intersection of Memorial Drive and Mt. Auburn St. there is a granite plaque in the ground, with the following: "On this spot in the year 1000 Lief Erikson built his house in Vinland."...Horsford did a little digging (literally) and found some buried artifacts that he claimed were Norse. On the spot he built the memorial you saw. He didn't stop there..."
- Hurstwic: Other Norse Artifacts in North America Citat: "...There are a small group of Norse artifacts found in North America that are widely regarded as genuine. These include the artifacts found at L'Anse aux Meadows (left) and the 11th century Norwegian coin found in Maine in 1957 (right)...Norumbega, a Norse Colony in New England?...Williams also recorded that the natives children were often born with white skin and red hair...Chapman's third source of evidence is the over one hundred rune stoness found in New England...Horsford continued his research, finding evidence of Norse era damss, canalss, pierss, and settlements in Watertown, and a Norse era fortification in Waltham. Horsford oversaw the re-creation of the fortification: a stone tower in the Norumbega region of the Charles River (right)..."
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